Mallory July 2012

Mallory July 2012

Kaisley July 2012

Kaisley July 2012

Mallory Pauline 2009

Mallory Pauline 2009

Kaisley Ruth 2011

Kaisley Ruth 2011

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Fun in the sun

Well, I have not blogged since October but I don't know if I have the time or energy to go back and document the past few months so I will just jump to what we have been up to lately.
This week has been so much fun that it has been exhausting, but in a good way. We have really enjoyed the warm, but not too unbearably warm, weather with lots of swimming with friends, popsicles, soccer games, trampoline fun, and mud kitchen.
A few months ago some of our friends invited us to our first "tea party" it was so much fun we decided to make it a tradition. Today was our turn to host the tea party for Mallory and 3 of her friends and the I think us Mom's had just as much fun as the kids (minus the mud). We had a lunch with tea "punch" and lots of fun outdoors. Here are some pictures of the past few days. The girls are at such a good age for this kind of stuff now... I love that Kaisley can walk and actually participate too now.
 Mallory and Kaisley before her soccer game. She is so cute out there on the field. Doesn't do much but run aimlessly but we love it.
 Go number 12!
 General Conference weekend we went outside to get some fresh air between sessions and came up with this mud kitchen from an old work bench we found in the backyard. Mallory wanted to paint it and we took out old kitchen "stuff" and the girls love it!
 Sun bathing babe
 Loving me some juice :)
 Our tea party was not as fancy as last time... it was down right dirty! The loved playing in the mud, swimming, and jumping on the trampoline with the sprinkler after having their "tea".
 Cute bumbum Malli! :)
 They made personal pizzas and had lots of other fun sides and treats with their tiny tea cups of juice.
Porter and Mallory sleeping on the trampoline last night. What a good Dad :)

 The other day we had an awesome play date at our friends place. Thanks Cassie for such a fun swim party and lunch. Mallory had a great time, and so did Kais and I!
 I love all of these pics Cassie took. Summer at its best! (oh wait, it is still spring)


  1. oh fun! You are just too much fun. I am the lamest mom ever right now. Pretty much survival mode over here. This makes me miss you guys... love ya!

  2. Love the new look of the Blog. I adore those girls. What a fun family.
